Sort and Soriguera - Ref. 3023 - Finques Pirineu Real Estate Agency in Pallars Sobirà

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SORT / SORIGUERA - Ref. 3023

SORT / SORIGUERA - Ref. 3023

For sale an urban plot and a rural plot in the town of Sort, and two more rural plots in the Soriguera area. Cadastral information in the images.

Price to be consulted
Registered in the Real Estate Agents of Catalonia - AICAT 10688
Office open from MONDAY to FRIDAY from 10:00 to 14:00
and from 16:00 to 18:00. Arranged visits also on Saturday mornings
Telephone service through: 973 621 026/616 339 669/699 769 395
Av. Generalitat, 1 / 25560 - Sort (Lleida) SPAIN
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